Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix a while ago. Well, it was good although I still liked the 4th movie better. It's just that the Ron and Dumbledore in the book are way, way different from the ones I saw in the film. It looks like Ron is not in the mood for anything at all and Dumbledore is not the calm, great wizard. In the scene following the one when he allowed Trelawney to stay at Hogwarts after Umbridge sacked her, he turned and while walking back towards the door which he came from, he snapped at the students, "Don't you have some studying to do!"
real Dumbledore wouldn't do that. Well, the new Dumbledore really didn't appeal to me much since I first saw him. I think Richard Harris makes a much better Dumbledore.
Another disappointment in the film is that after Sirius died, Harry is like,
dedma lang. Parang, okay, my godfather the only family I have, had just been murdered. I was actually expecting the scene in the book wherein Harry talked to Nearly Headless Nick and asked him whether there is a way to make Sirius go back as a ghost. I think it would've showed how deeply saddened, heratbroken and desperate Harry was over the death of Sirius.
I didn't get to see much of Tonks, which is one of my favorite characters in Book 5.

Natalie Tena is pretty. Para nga nyang tatay si Lupin...nevertheless, I can't wait to see them on the 6th movie!
And I very much liked the performance of Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood. I thought she was perfect, the dreamy voice, the "loony" attitude and the look in which it seems as if she just walked in a place by accident.

quite good considering she's new
And of course, after reading books 5 and 6, I now say that Snape is my favorite character. I don't know, it's just really hard to tell which side he is on. But I just love everything about him: his black, billowing cloak, his greasy, curtain-like hair and his choice of words.
As for Alan Rickman, I now have an answer if ever I'm gonna be asked who my favorite actor is. I think he gave Snape's character really good justice.

If I become an international star (yuck sabay ganun eh noh), I'm gonna BEG to have a movie with Alan Rickman.
So all in all, I give the movie an A. In the O.W.L.S., it means 'Acceptable'. I can't wait for the 6th movie, though. It better be an O, or 'Outstanding', what's with Snape playing a crucial part there.