In a few hours, the last book of the
Harry Potter series will be released. I already reserved for a copy and I just can't wait to get it!
Actually, what I feel about the last book is a mixture of excitement and sadness. Excitement because, well, I always feel that way everytime an HP book is released. But honestly, in all the seven books, this is the one I feel excited about most. It has a lot of loose ends and I got a lot of hanging questions. I'm just really itching to know if the enigmatic Severus Snape is really on Voldemort's side all along 'cause Dumbledore really,
really did trust him. My guess: Snape killed Dumbledore on the headmaster's request. Dumbledore's pleads may not mean that he's begging Snape NOT to kill him but to
kill him. I don't know, it's just a guess. On a 2006 interview, J.K. Rowling stated:
"One character got a reprieve, but I have to say two die that I didn't intend to die...A price has to be paid. We are dealing with pure evil...They go for the main characters...well, I do". And I think that the two important characters who's gonna die are Hermione and Ron. Again, a guess. And again according to Rowling,
"Some non-magical character will perform magic late in life under desperate circumstances. However, Petunia will not be the one to perform magic." Well then, if it's not Aunt Petunia, then it's gotta be Argus Filch, the Caretaker, since he is a Squib and he can't perform any magic at all. Or it can also be Mrs. Figg, who's also a Squib.
Also from Rowling,
"Ginny Weasley is quite powerful, that we have seen a taste of that in the past, and we will see it again." I just remembered the fifth movie, it showed Ginny performing spells quite powerfully than the rest of the members of the D.A. Maybe it's a foreshadowing of what will happen in the last book.
But I'll just wait and see if my guesses are correct, shall I?
Now, the reason why I also feel sad in a way about the last book. Well,
all good things come to an end. After
Deathly Hallows, I wouldn't have anything to look forward to anymore. Well, there's the movies, but the books are better. Way, way better.
It's just that, I can't believe
Harry Potter is ending tomorrow. Flashback to the year 2000, when I bought my first, and actually, 2nd copy of
Harry Potter. I bought books 1 and 2 at the same time. I was ten years old then. Still a little kid. And, still little until now, nothing changed. HEHE. I followed the series religiously every time a book comes out. And I can say that I have grown up alongside Harry. I was witness(well, not literally) to how he started out as a young kid with unruly jet-black hair and glasses who had no idea about his true identity. I have followed him in every battle, every scrutiny, every pain (whether it be emotional or physical), every dark moments and every happy moments. I have also witnessed how he grew up as a wizard and how he established an excellent affinity in the D.A.D.A. subject. I observed how, as Harry grew up in every book, the plot becomes darker and the subject matter of the story becomes apparent, that is, death.
In a few hours, the 7th and final book of the acclaimed series that won the hearts of millions of readers worldwide will be released. In a few hours, I'm gonna say goodbye to a story I have been reading for 7 years, a story I grew up with, a story that I have, and always will, treasure forever.