I just watched
Happily Never After. Although it wasn't at all a hit 'cause of its slight crappiness, it made me realize some things. Most girls (including myself, sometimes) dream of fairy-tale endings wherein their perfect prince comes for them in a handsome white horse and takes them away to live with him to his majestic castle where they will live happily ever after. But of course in real life the prince is that heartthrob girls are willing to die for. He comes from a really well-off family, drives a flashy sports car, has a winning smile, is a school jock, treats you to expensive restaurants...in short, he is JUST perfect.
And of course, guys like that tend to be celebrities, so you're not alone in admiring him.
Happily Never After, Ella dreams of one day marrying Prince Charming while Rick, the prince's servant, watches her from a distance, hoping that someday, Ella's gonna change her mind about the prince and fall for him instead.
But it turns out, Mr. Prince Charming is a worthless, cowardly wimp who couldn't do things right and who couldn't save Ella from the bad guys. In the end, it was Rick who saved the WHOLE fairytale world from the villains. Well, needless to say, Ella finally realized how bad her taste was and fell in love with Rick, and they lived happily ever after.
I'm gonna go straight to my point now. The movie made me realize that the "Perfect Prince" that we are waiting for can turn out to be not-so-perfect after all. Sure, he's rich, he has a car, he's so cute, he gives you butterflies in your stomach, he's a famous celebrity/basketball player/heir to millions of dollars, but what if he turns out to be a jerk? A player? A heartbreaker? He'll only leave you in the dark, crying over your ruined Cinderella ending.
Sometimes, falling for a regular, boy-next-door kind of guy is better than falling for the seemingly-perfect-but-not-really ones. Because sometimes, that regular guy is really YOUR Prince Charming, even if he doesn't seem like it.
And then maybe, HE can give you that "Happily Ever After" ending you want.