Happy Halloween!
Since it's Halloween and it's time for peace on earth and goodwill to all, (hehe sabi ni Ashton sa
That 70's Show) I will share with you guys these photos. Hanapin nyo mga mumu dyan hehe...madali lang yan...walang daya..

boyfriend ko...haha...joke...sa tiendesitas ksma ang kuya kong...ano...bsta yun...e2 primary pic ko sa friendster eh...la lng just sharing
migoy, isma, ako

kme ulet

after ng grad pic...check it out! meh eyeliner pa ang lola mo!

with kat..tngnan nyo ung pimples ko...sa magkabilang cheek...

bored during physics...boring ung teacher eh...


o des, ba't ka lonesome?

nung first monthly test namen...saya ko pa noh?

pictorial sa mcdo...

with kristeen, more popularly known as "Tetang"

ako, si tetang at si jam...sa canteen...

stranded sa mcdo...
La lng yan...mga picture na naipon sa cel ko...ung iba nung 1st Quarter pa...la kasing USB fone ko eh...bulok!
I love Lemony Snicket!
But that doesn't change the fact that my Ipod is broken...again. God, what the FUCK is wrong this time?
Nothing's right, nothing's right
Everything's fucked-up
My life's a mess, might as well go get the blade and...
Kidding, I am so not suicidal
It's just that, I haven't started on any of those stupid homeworks that some of our teachers had so cruelly given to us, not realizing that, IT IS our semestral break and they HAVE to give us a break.
Some teachers are just sooo inconsiderate.
Plus, I need to write something for the school paper and I haven't started yet.
Maybe I shouldn't go back to school. It's driving me insane. Come graduation day, I will already be locked up in a mental asylum.
God, I'm constantly logging on to my Friendster account. It just shows how bored I am...with my life...and with everything else.
they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 3:20 PM
We're covered in lies and that's okay
It's the first day of our semestral break. Went to Bola's birthday bash(?) a
while ago. I'm in a state of total confusion and frustration. You know the feeling when you just WANT to be mean to someone and you feel like saying mean things is the only way for you to tell the truth because in your situation only the truth will set you free but you just can't because that person is so kind and is a very good friend to you? Well I had that. You know, I'm still okay when he just "confessed" to me but he shouldn't have ASKED me...
that question. It ruined everything. Our friendship, that is. Now I feel awkward...and confused...and...yeah, I don't feel right. Well, I can't explain it here properly...obviously.
But I'm not speaking with him.
Ever again?
No, no, no, let's hope not.
Anyway, anyway, I'm gonna talk about...other...things.
Things that don't bother me.
Things that make me happy.
Like Neil Gaiman's
Anansi Boys. I finished it this morning in bed. And
I gotta say, it was an abs
atively good read. Gaiman's writing was so
effective that I found myself crushing on Spider, one of the two sons of the
spider-god Anansi. In the book, Spider was the one who got his father's "god
powers". He's cool, he's fly, he's charming, he's a smooth talker so ladies can't
resist him, he's got powers...and he always wore a black leather coat, like
Angel in
Buffy. How cool is that?
You know how when you read a book you tend to visualize the characters as
movie stars or as someone you've known your whole life or as someone you
saw on the street one time and you found cute or whatever? Like when I was
in 4th grade and I was reading
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets. I imagined that Harry is my crush Omar, who was in Grade 5
that time, and that I am Ginny. But apparently, Ginny's a redhead but hey, it
was MY imagination.
So anyway, for
Anansi Boys, I've got Mikey Way as Fat Charlie and
Gerard Way as Spider :D But wait, that's not the reason why I have a crush on
Spider, I kinda don't like Gerard now because of what he's done to his hair.
I've got this other guy in my head whom I visualize as Spider, but I'm not sure
who he is. I mean, maybe I've seen him in a movie once as an extra or maybe
I'm yet to meet him. OOOhhhh...all I know is that he's cute.
And who is Rosie and Daisy in my great, great, great imagination? Ehem
ehem. It's truly yours. Teeheeehee. I married Mikey Way...in my imagination...
Grahame Coats is The Undertaker (yep, I have a VERY weird imagination), the
Bird Woman is Liv Tyler (with lots of make-up so that she'll look like a
Bird...Woman) and Maeve Livingstone is...hmm...some blond woman and Mrs.
Higgler and the other old ladies are...well..I just imagined them as they were
described in the book.
But I really enjoyed it. The book, not visualizing old ladies.
Astigin. When people ask me who my
crush is, I'd tell them it's Spider.
So, another thing that makes or rather,
made me happy was seeing
Matt Hardy in the flesh, although not at an intimate distance, unfortunately,
but close enough to see that he's...cute. Yep, we watched the Smackdown
Survivor Series tour last Saturday. And Sib was there and I asked him if I
could take a picture with him and so I took a picture with him and it's on my
cellphone so...yeah. LA LNG.
I can't wait to see
The Marine. John Cena is sooooo effin'HOT. I don't care if he's a...RAPPER and not some
guy with a bass or some guy who drinks a lot and sings
"I'm okay, I'm
okaaaaayy!" or
"Don't, don't, don't get up, chichichichi (or
I can't see the sunshine, I'll be waiting for you baby..." Yeehee......
And another thing that makes me happy is Jewel's new CD,
Goodbye Alice
In Wonderland. The reason why I'm happy is because Jewel's her old self
again. Yep, no more dance songs.
Intuition was a mistake. And I hope that from that mistake, she was able to learn that she looks (and sounds) way, way better with a guitar than she does when she's wearing short shorts and....dancing.

I can't wait to get my hands on
The Black Parade.
they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 12:05 AM
Me and my Ipod are together again.........! Yun yon eh! AYOSSSSSSSSS! Yehey!!!!!!!!! Hip hip.....
ALright, I'm gonna stop now.
Our Filipino teacher is away for three days! Yess! I won't have to see her for THREE DAYS! I'm being mean, I know. But I just HATE her subject and the way she makes us get a 1/4 sheet of paper for a quiz as soon as she enters our room. And I also hate the way she rushes us into those pointless things that she makes us do. UGH!
A while ago, me and Migs peformed the
Lapay dance for our periodical test in P.E. And I was really grateful 'cause we at least got 38 out of 50 even if we weren't able to finish the dance. Thanks, Ms. Alcantara...yun yon.
Me and Des are OK now. I'm so glad. :-D
AND....My Chemical Romance got a new album coming out on October 24th. It's called
The Black Parade. AYOS! I'm so excited...
I took the ET for DLSU last Sunday. All I can say is:
Hay nako! Bang-hirap!Naee-LSS ako sa
If you, if you could return
Don't let it burn, don't let it fade
I'm sure I'm not being rude
But it's just your attitude
It's tearing me apart, it's ruining everything
I swore, I swore I would be true
But honey so did you
But why were you holding her hand? Is that the way we stand?
Were you lying all the time? Was it just a game to you?
But I'm in so deep
You've got me wrapped around your finger a ha ha ha
Do you have to let it linger?
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger?
OOh, I thought the world of you
I thought nothing could go wrong
But I was wrong, I was wrong
If you, if you could get by, trying not to lie
Things wouldn't be so confused and I wouldn't feel so used
But you always really knew, I just wanna be with you
But I'm in so deep
You've got me wrapped around your finger a ha ha ha
Do you have to let it linger?
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger?
And I'm in so deep
You've got me wrapped around your finger a ha ha ha
Do you have to let it linger?
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger?
You've got me wrapped around your finger a ha ha ha
Do you have to let it linger?
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger?
they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 8:00 PM
Written:09.28.06No classes today. And no electricity, too. The storm's FURIOUS. I miss my Ipod, I wish it's here with me today. There's no signal, too. Dunno why. So I can't do anything except read a book so I vowed to finish
Dracula today. Yes, I am reading
Dracula on a dark, gloomy day. Haha. But I got a bit scared on the part of "The Bloofer Lady", so I decided to stop for a while. God, it's boring here...and cold. But I know that this coldness that I'm feeling is not just because of the storm outside. It's just that...PEOPLE CAN BE SO COLD. Let me elaborate this:
DES HATES ME RIGHT NOW. I honestly don't know why. But, I have an inkling, it's just that...God, I don't know. And I didn't want to confront her yesterday 'cause she won't talk to me properly. So I just left it at that. I don't want a fight. I still consider her my BEST FRIEND. The BESTEST friend I ever had. She had helped me through A LOT. Even if they're just trivial things such as helping me get rid of a stain on my skirt. Okay, I won't feel nostalgic now. I hate that feeling, it makes me sad.
Okay, so here's the deal. I feel lie I'm losing her. And I don't want to. I just want it to be like the old times. Whe we are "open" to each other. I never hid things from her. I tell her EVERYTHING. But right now, I feel as if that "openness" is gone between us. She's not the same anymore. Or is it me who've changed? I just hope that whenever she feels mad at me or something, she would TELL ME so that we can talk about it. I don't want it to be like...this. Honestly, I got frustrated at her yesterday. She isn't at all like the friend I've known since 1st year. She seemd so cold and distant she would'nt even look at me. God, I wish we could work things out.
Yesterday was really bad.
But it was also yesterday that I learned or rather, experienced "loving someone as a friend". When we say, "I love him/her as a friend" or "ONLY AS A FRIEND", it usually means we are letting someone down gently. Alright, picture this:You've got a guy friend whom you've known since you were in prep or something. But now that you're all grown up and your raging hormones are taking over you and you feel like you HAVE to love someone, your guy friend suddenly confesses his "undying love" for you out of the blue. And you, of course, would feel that it isn't right since you only see him as your best guy friend and nothing else. So to let him down gently after he professed "I love you", you might say "I love you, too...but only as a friend" instead of "Huh? But you've seen me in my worst haircut EVER, we played in the mud, I've seen your booger-picking habit come and go. WE ARE BEST FRIENDS since the beginning of time. I don't undersstand." See?
But yesterday...I don't know. I guess I felt
praning or whatever. I felt inexplicably frustrated. I cannot EXPLAIN what really happened, it's not for all the world to see (or for what little number of readers I have to see). But going to the "loving someone as a friend" bit, I think I'll just define this phrase based on what I had experienced.
--It's worrying for "that" someone when you feel like "that" someone is up to something
--It's being hurt when you realized that "that" someone is probably hiding something from you
--It's if you cannot help but feel "angry, mad, infuriated" with "that" someone 'cause you've got a strong feeling that "that" someone had done something bad
--And it's getting all emotional and suddenly waking up in the middle of the night and crying like a silly fool bec. you're too overwhelmed by...
BASTA! Gosh. Yun yon.I know that this may look
malabo to you. Basta ako lang nakakaintindi nito ngayon.
If my assumptions are correct, God, I wouldn't know what to do. Now that everything between us is okay and a far cry from the way we were last year. Yes, I know I'm being so emo and
praning and way too much
ma-drama. I don't know what to think anymore.
It's a good thing I don't have a love life. That would be another problem.
LIFE'S A BITCHA cruel, cold-hearted bitch....and she's out to get me.
They never end.
Everyone has problems.
Even the Rich has problems.
I have problems. Right now, my best friend hates me, my bookshelf is forever a mess, exams are coming up and I can’t understand a single thing in Math.
But why do we have problems? What’s the point of them? To make us stronger? Hah. Yeah, right.
And for today:Na-move yung exams sa 13 and 14. Right now, I feel like there's this huge weight on my shoulder.No, it's not Natre (from
Shutter) 'cause I've got nothing to do with her so she can't haunt me. It's those stupid, pointless schoolworks. I'm looking forward to the day when that burden will be lifted from my shoulders. And that day is GRADUATION DAY. Yun yon.
Alam nyo ba, ngayon ko lang pala
napagtanto na ang gusto ko talagang course is EUROPEAN STUDIES. Eh sa ADMU at sa DLSU ako kumuha nun. sa UP hindi kasi di ko pa alam yun nung mga panahong yon. Shet...
We're not okay yet. With Miguel, OK na. But I mean with Des, NOT YET. And I hope it's not NEVER AGAIN.
I miss her, you know.
I'm not really mad, just...I don't know how I'm feeling. ANG GULO NG UTAK KO.
I'm currently reading
Veronika Decides To Die and I won't be surprised if one day I will be admitted to a mental hospital for depression. Although I'm not sure if they require "depressed" patients to be admitted into a mental hospital here. Hay nako, ewan, wala akong alam. But I'm really getting bored with doing the same things over and over again everyday. I wonder if college will enable me to explore new horizons or something? Pero hopefully, makapasa sa UST or sa...ADMU? Heehee...ADMU. Asa-ness. Kasi yung European Studies eh...mahirap kaya yun? Lalo na sa UP, asa-ness. Anyway, I'll be taking the ET for DLSU on Sunday. Nakakatamad nga eh.
Hmph, kakanta na lang ako...
Why deny
All the troubles then combined
With the missing links
It don't feel like home now...
That you're gone
All the troubles
Suddenly explained infinitum
You're always wishing and never here at home
All the dreams we shared and
Lights we turned on
But the house is getting dark
And I don't want to know your past
But together share the dawn
And I won't need
Nothing else
'Cause when we're dead
We would've had it all
And died
I would've fallen from the sky
'Til you
Parachutes have opened now
Heaven knows if there's a ceiling
Come so low with the kneeling
Please know that I got
All the friends I'm needing
Before my light goes out
As the doors are closing now
And far away will be my home
And to grasp this, I don't know
And I don't need
Further back and forth, a wave will break on me today
And love...wish the world could go again with love
One can't seem to have enough
And WAR...break the sky and tell me what it's for
I'll travel there on my own
And love...what a different life
Had I not found this love with youYun yon eh!
Last Tuesday, since there were no classes, I watched
The Breed with Migs. Ang pogi ni ERIC LIVELY todo bigay! And ang sexy ni Michelle Rodriguez. But the movie sucks, don't watch it.
I'm gonna watch
The Reaping,
Pulse and I can't wait for
Spiderman 3. Topher Grace, yahoo!
Migs attempted to draw an anagram bearing my name and Isma's a while ago during Physics. Astig, man. Pero ipo-polish pa daw nya. I'll post them here some other time.
they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 7:45 PM