This entry was meant to be posted yesterday...As I exited the cinema last night after watching
Superman Returns, I had these thoughts...aside from those Brandon Routh-related. tee hee...
What if Superman is real? Maybe things would be different in our world.Women Need SupermanHere is one hot dude who'll come to your rescue when an ugly goon suddenly takes away your purse, or when disgusting drunkards surround you while you're on your way home late at night. Isn't that
every woman's dream? A Knight in Shining Armor?
Or in Superman's case, an Extraterrestrial in Tights and a Red Cape.
If there really is a Superman, then maybe there are no rape cases today. Maybe Superman would have managed to save all those helpless victims(women and young children), who had their childhood and dignity taken away from them. Maybe he would have saved those whose lives had been taken by terrible things called lust and desire.
If Superman is real, then maybe us women will feel protected knowing that we're safe even if we're out in the streets at night 'cause there's a hero out there somewhere who'll surely come to our rescue when we need him.
This Country Needs SupermanMaybe Superman could put some sense on our government officials. Maybe Superman has this power to manipulate a human brain and teach it to do only what's right. Then maybe the lives of Filipinos will not be as hopeless as it is today.
If Superman existed, the Ultra Tragedy would never have happened. He would have put all those people to safety. Also the Landslide in Leyte. Superman could've stopped the landslide from covering the entire town and its inhabitants.
The World Needs Superman There would've have been no 9/11 if there's a real Superman. He could've thwarted those tragedies. He could've stopped those airplanes from hitting their targets and land them to safety, like he did to the plane in which Lois Lane is in. Then the World Trade Center would've still been standing proudly today.
There would be no bombings, kidnappings and beheadings today if Superman existed. He could stop them all-the bombs, the terrorists, the big guns which sends poor helpless people to their demise in just one shot.
Superman could stop them all, even those natural catastrophes. After all, he's
But I think that if he existed, he would eventually grow tired of us. We would be too dependent on him, like we are today on machines. No matter how many times he saves us, that wouldn't stop crimes, that wouldn't stop evil deeds. Evil
can't be stopped. So if we call out for him everytime, that's asking for too much. And he'll give up on us and leave us. Not all things can be rectified. There are things that just won't go away, and we just have to leave it as that.
So in this demented world we live in, all we have to do is to be each other's Superman..., or each other's Spider Man...or each other's Batman.
Because nobody's born with extraordinary super powers. No caped or masked hero will come to save us.
All we really one another.