~"So run...right...back to school/Look back I sift through all the cliques/Roaming the halls all year making me sick..."Back To School,
DeftonesAs I look back to the past years, I remember this certain feeling I always had before the first day of school. That feeling of misery or dread, like you're hoping that something will miraculously come up and you'll have to go away to some far-off place and miss the first day of school. But now, for some reason, I'm not feeling that way. Yes, there's dread, but it's probably just laziness 'cause all the other private schools will have their classes next week and it's
really early still. My point is, I'm not feeling
sad and not complaining about how I'll miss the summer and how fast the summer passed by. I guess the reason for this is because tomorrow is my last first day. I'm going to graduate next year. I haven't started thinking about the many lasts that will happen this year yet. But I
know that the reason why I'm looking forward(just a bit) to tomorrow is because I have to cherish it. 'Cause it's gonna be my last.