"Fall on me. Tell me everything you want me to be. Forever with you. Forever in me. Ever the same..."I hate Mondays. I think it is invented by hard-working people who doesn't appreciate the beauty and joy the weekeends bring. People who just adores working or studying their asses off, i.e.,
swots. I didn't do anything today except get bored and cut my split ends off while Mrs. Resurreccion droned on and on about...something. Plus, I just hate, despise and abhor our subjects during Monday. Three of them, that is. First, PEHM (yawn....a big one at that). I know Physical Education classes are supposed to be fun but that's not the case in my school. Our PEHM subject is stupid...and completely
pointless. Next, C.L.E.(a
WIIIIDE yawn + slit wrists). Good thing I can pass this one without listening to Mrs. Resurreccion, who is both a nasty kill-joy and a "DRONER" (meaning, one who drones). And the third one of course is COMPUTER (a BIG, WIDE yawn that tears my mouth apart + slit wrists + plunge into a pool filled with different kinds of sharks). Try going into my school and you'll see why I detest Computer soooo much when I should hate Chemistry more.
Mondays suck. And my birthday is on Monday next week.
Anyway, pushing Mondays and boredom aside, here is a list I made a few weeks ago of "MUST-see" movies or rather, "WILL-see" movies:
Brokeback MountainMemoirs Of A GeishaNanny McPheeStayDerailedMunichJarheadV For VendettaFirewallWhen A Stranger CallsCassanovaPride And PrejudiceX3The Da Vinci Code...and I also made a list of CDs that I will hunt down until I reach the very last soil in the Philippines:
Based On A True Story by The Starting Line
Voices by Matchbook Romance and
Stricken by Disturbed
Well, got nothing more to say...