Oh. My. Gosh. Without further ado, I'm gonna tell you what I'm "oh-my-goshing" about. Tetang, Miguel and me were waiting for the cinema to open because we were gonna watch
Just Like heaven, so we decided to go to Astro Vision and check some CDs out. They sell more CDs there than in Odyssey...tsk tsk. Anyway, I was choosing CDs that I'm planning to buy, or what I'm gonna ask my dad to buy for me. A movie was playing in the three televisions that were hanging above the racks of CDs. But I didn't pay much attention to it because the movie was not familiar. If Miguel hadn't remarked,
"Uy, mukhang maganda yung movie oh" I wouldn't have seen it. I looked up and saw the face of Tara Reid...and then of David Boreanz. I was like, Oh my God.
The Crow 4. Edward Furlong. I was shaking Miguel and was literally jumping with pure euphoria.
Edward Walter Furlong, the object of my profoundest affections, next to Gerard, that is.
I know he's not that good-looking, Devon Sawa-type of guy but I don't know, I've always liked him since I saw him in
Detroit Rock City one morning during an exam day. I remember I was planning to get some studying done but I wasn't able to because of my beloved Eddie. I didn't finish the film 'cause I still had to take a bath and get dressed. I don't know, when I saw him, I
knew I already love him. No, just kidding. I know I've seen that face somewhere before. But I couldn't remember where. But I found him really cute.
So anyway, there was one scene there in which he sat on a bar, nervous because he signed up in a macho dancing contest in which he'd have to dance on stage for drooling old women. He ordered a drink and was about to pay for it but the bartender said he didn't have to because it was all on the woman sitting on the other side of the room. When Eddie saw the woman was a hot chick with long legs, he turned back to the bartender and said, "SSShit!" Oh my God! He looked so cute when he said "SSShit!". And when it was finally his turn to dance on stage, he requested for a Kiss song and he was so drunk and everything around was spinning. But still, he managed to dance. And when he danced, GOSH! I swear to God it was so cute! He was like strumming on an imaginary electric guitar and he even took his shirt and his pants off, revealing his Kiss boxers! So this is how my deepest devotion for Edward began. I've been looking for a
Detroit Rock City DVD since then. Actually, I've been looking for
any DVD that has Edward in it. I've asked in Video City if they have a
Terminator 2 VCD but unfortunately, they don't.
Just Like Heaven was over, we passed by Astro Vision again. And we saw on the screen that the credits are already rolling. But we're not sure if it was
The Crow but if it was, then it's a pretty long film. But anyway, I'm going to the dentist again tomorrow and I'm gonna ask dad to buy me the
The Crow 4 DVD. If they don't have a DVD and only a VCD, I swear I'd throw a fit and burn the mall down. Hehe. Kidding. Watch out, Eddie! I'm gonna buy you! I mean...your movie.