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about a girl

Lea Licerio. 15. 16. 17. Piscean.couch potato. drama queen. has a tendency to be OC. bookworm. weird. your average everyday sane psycho. dreamer. petite. Is never too old for dolls. tends to get woeful...like Wednesday Addams. perpetually miserable. Neil Gaiman/Jessica Zafra wannabe.


"Perhaps if we saw what was ahead of us, and glimpsed the crimes, follies, and misfortunes that would befall us later on, we would all stay in our mother's wombs, and there would be nobody in the world but a great number of very fat, very irritated women."

-A Series of Unfortunate Events Book the Thirteenth: The End by Lemony Snicket

wake me when the hour arrives...

best friends, ex-friends 'til the end...
sam a.k.a. poca


my multiply

...and then there's friendster(add me if you want)

Jessica Zafra
Neil Gaiman
Lemony Snicket

Layout: paperlove
Brushes: x x
Font: x
Images: Self-drawn by paperlove
Pattern: illusorynotstars

i feel stupid and contagious

Get busy living, or get busy dying...

Beauty Killed The Beast
"And the Beast looked into the face of Beauty and lo! his hand was stayed from killing and from that day forward he was as one dead." -an old Arabian proverb

Everyone knows(everyone who had watched the King Kong movies, that is) that King Kong is like Mme Leprince de Beaumont's "Beauty and the Beast", except that Kong didn't turn into a handsome prince. When I first saw the movie's trailer, my initial thought was "What the hell are dinosours doing in there?!" But I wasn't really looking forward to watching it but I insisted we go see it last Saturday after our school's v.v fun(not) Christmas party since I'm still not in the mood to review. Yes, our exams came after the Christmas party. Anyway, I knew the movie is three hours long, what I didn't expect was it was three long hours of nail-biting, almost-falling-off-my-seat experience. The movie contains scary-looking native people with red eyes and charcoal-black skin, flesh-eating T-rexes, harmless but totally huge brontosaurus rexes, other icky creatures that are non-existent in the real world and a cute Ryan Cabrera look-alike (Jamie Bell).
The movie is recommended only for kids aged 13 and up. But while I was in the cinema last Saturday and yesterday,(yup, I watched the movie twice) I could hear children crying and clamoring. I guess the parents failed to see before they watched the movie that Kong is a large, roaring gorilla whose nostrils are heart-shaped. I guess they thought that their kids wouldn't be scared of him since his face is plastered on Burger King billboards offering people to purchase King Kong tumblers or something.
Well, anyway, it's a must-see movie. I aime it. I aime Jamie Bell, too. Mwah, Jamie. You're definitely gorgeous, even if you dance ballet. And I used to think that male ballet dancers are undeniably gay. But you're not gay! Not someone as gorgy as you. No, no, no.

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 11:16 PM

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Oh. My. Gosh. Without further ado, I'm gonna tell you what I'm "oh-my-goshing" about. Tetang, Miguel and me were waiting for the cinema to open because we were gonna watch Just Like heaven, so we decided to go to Astro Vision and check some CDs out. They sell more CDs there than in Odyssey...tsk tsk. Anyway, I was choosing CDs that I'm planning to buy, or what I'm gonna ask my dad to buy for me. A movie was playing in the three televisions that were hanging above the racks of CDs. But I didn't pay much attention to it because the movie was not familiar. If Miguel hadn't remarked, "Uy, mukhang maganda yung movie oh" I wouldn't have seen it. I looked up and saw the face of Tara Reid...and then of David Boreanz. I was like, Oh my God. The Crow 4. Edward Furlong. I was shaking Miguel and was literally jumping with pure euphoria. Edward Walter Furlong, the object of my profoundest affections, next to Gerard, that is.
I know he's not that good-looking, Devon Sawa-type of guy but I don't know, I've always liked him since I saw him in Detroit Rock City one morning during an exam day. I remember I was planning to get some studying done but I wasn't able to because of my beloved Eddie. I didn't finish the film 'cause I still had to take a bath and get dressed. I don't know, when I saw him, I knew I already love him. No, just kidding. I know I've seen that face somewhere before. But I couldn't remember where. But I found him really cute.
So anyway, there was one scene there in which he sat on a bar, nervous because he signed up in a macho dancing contest in which he'd have to dance on stage for drooling old women. He ordered a drink and was about to pay for it but the bartender said he didn't have to because it was all on the woman sitting on the other side of the room. When Eddie saw the woman was a hot chick with long legs, he turned back to the bartender and said, "SSShit!" Oh my God! He looked so cute when he said "SSShit!". And when it was finally his turn to dance on stage, he requested for a Kiss song and he was so drunk and everything around was spinning. But still, he managed to dance. And when he danced, GOSH! I swear to God it was so cute! He was like strumming on an imaginary electric guitar and he even took his shirt and his pants off, revealing his Kiss boxers! So this is how my deepest devotion for Edward began. I've been looking for a Detroit Rock City DVD since then. Actually, I've been looking for any DVD that has Edward in it. I've asked in Video City if they have a Terminator 2 VCD but unfortunately, they don't.
When Just Like Heaven was over, we passed by Astro Vision again. And we saw on the screen that the credits are already rolling. But we're not sure if it was The Crow but if it was, then it's a pretty long film. But anyway, I'm going to the dentist again tomorrow and I'm gonna ask dad to buy me the The Crow 4 DVD. If they don't have a DVD and only a VCD, I swear I'd throw a fit and burn the mall down. Hehe. Kidding. Watch out, Eddie! I'm gonna buy you! I mean...your movie.

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 11:35 AM

Ho-hum. No classes. today...again.
"Catch My Fall"
-Katy Rose-

I wonder why it always feels like rain
My life is like some cheap champagne
The answers don't always seem to fit
My glass is full, but it tastes like shit

I need a quick decision
And a cheap reward
I'm in my last revision

So I'll cry just a little bit longer
And I'll stay two seconds more
And I'll try to be stronger
And I'll see if you catch my fall

I can't tell if what I did was wrong
Still you followed me like a sing-along
I can't tell if what I did was right
But you let me go like your sister's kite

I need a quick decision
And a cheap reward
I'm in my last revision

So I'll cry just a little bit longer
And I'll stay two seconds more
And I'll try to be stronger
And I'll see if you catch my fall

Yea yea yeaaaaa
Yea yea yeaaaaa
Yea yea yeaaaaaaaaaaaa

I've made my last decision
And got some cheap reward
I need no man's premision


So I'll cry just a little bit longer
And I'll stay two seconds more
And I'll try to be stronger
And I'll see if you catch my fall
If you catch my fall
Catch my fall
Ya catch my fall

---I think this song best describes how I'm feeling right now. How I'm feeling about life, its ironies and I'm wondering if something good will ever happen to me. Anyway, here's an update on what's been going on with my life so far:

-I've bidden farewell to my good 'ol (ancient) Nokia 2100 phone that has been my companion for three years now. It has seen me through my ups and downs, it has nearly gotten lost several times (like once in a tricycle and once in school) but still it had stayed with me. And now I have bequeathed it to my brother, who wasn't happy at all because he also wanted an MMS phone but we explained to him that he's too young to be given a colored and an expensive phone so he got disappointed and kept his mouth shut while we ate dinner and on the way home. But anyway, pushing my brother aside, it was ba-bye Nokia 2100, hello Nokia 6101. Why I chose it? Simple. I want a clamshell phone. Actually, what I really wanted was a Samsung phone but I chose the 6101 because a.) it's a Nokia so I didn't have a hard time trying to learn how to use it and b.) it's really cute! So there.

-Since I've bidden bye-bye to my old phone and said hello to a new one, I've also said hello to a new sunburnt skin. We went to Zmabales last weekend and I didn't intend to stay in the water for a long time but I couldn't help it. The water is so blue and so clear...
Good thing we have no classes starting today until Friday. I can lock myself in my parents' airconditioned room all day.

-I'm also gonna be saying hello to braces. Tomorrow, I'll be going to the dentist. I honestly can't picture myself with braces. Hmm? Dad said I'm gonna look like Eliza Thornberry and pretty soon, he said he might see me talking to stray cats and dogs on the street. Well, That's my dad.

That's all.

-Oh and I forgot. I've finished reading The Devil Wears Prada. It was a pretty good read but Shopaholic is still better. The "Devil" here is the main character Andrea's boss Miranda Priestly. She says "That's all" by means of ending a conversation or enumerating a series of errands for Andrea. I've finished the book before I studied for my first day of exam last week and at the end of the book, someone there sang American Pie. So while I was reviewing that night, the lyrics Bye, bye Miss American Pie drove my Chevee to the levee but the levee was dry/ Ad good 'ol boys were drinking whiskey and rye/ Singing this will be the day that I die/ This will be the day that I die was playing over and over again in my head. Uh, wala lang. Just wanted to share it with you guys.

That's all.

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 11:30 AM