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about a girl

Lea Licerio. 15. 16. 17. Piscean.couch potato. drama queen. has a tendency to be OC. bookworm. weird. your average everyday sane psycho. dreamer. petite. Is never too old for dolls. tends to get woeful...like Wednesday Addams. perpetually miserable. Neil Gaiman/Jessica Zafra wannabe.


"Perhaps if we saw what was ahead of us, and glimpsed the crimes, follies, and misfortunes that would befall us later on, we would all stay in our mother's wombs, and there would be nobody in the world but a great number of very fat, very irritated women."

-A Series of Unfortunate Events Book the Thirteenth: The End by Lemony Snicket

wake me when the hour arrives...

best friends, ex-friends 'til the end...
sam a.k.a. poca


my multiply

...and then there's friendster(add me if you want)

Jessica Zafra
Neil Gaiman
Lemony Snicket

Layout: paperlove
Brushes: x x
Font: x
Images: Self-drawn by paperlove
Pattern: illusorynotstars

i feel stupid and contagious

Get busy living, or get busy dying...

Of old flames and vicodin
Haven't updated in a while. I've been doing House marathons. My dad asked me why I'm interested in that show. He said that doctors themselves are the only ones who should be interested in it so I'm like "Parang di naman..." Hehe. But the show is watchable even though I'm not (and isn't planning to be) a diagnostician, a nephrologist, an oncologist, an intensivist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist, an immunologist or in short, a doctor.
When The New York Times remarked that House is "as addictive as vicodin", they weren't LYING.

Well, I could go on and on about how HOT Dr. Chase is and how I wish that Dr. House is my father but if I do, there's a good chance that this post will never end.

So anyway, a lot happened yesterday while I'm dozing off...(almost) the whole day. I went to our class' farewell party last last day and it was overnight so I got home at around 8 AM yesterday.
There's that hostage situation and...er, that's just about it. Hehe.
Then late last night, I went online and guess who PM-ed me! Well...uhm, let's call him "Skittles"? Anyway, he said "I love you" and when someone broke your heart, I'm exaggerating...Ok, let's say hurt your feelings (that's what I felt THAT time, that is) and then suddenly say I love you out of the blue wouldn't you be pissed off? No? Well, I was. Sort of. Anyway, he asked me if he can call me because he couldn't sleep and he needs someone to talk to. And I said NO. Well, I'm sure some of you have no idea who I'm referring to here. Well, you could just ignore this or if you're nosy enough or if you have the time or something, you can check my archives.

Well, uhm...PEACE!
I will post the farewell pictures on my Multiply soon.

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 9:00 PM


As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever, we will still be


Well, I know it's cheesy or cliche and all that, but this song is THE perfect graduation song.
I will absolutely miss my section.
I really, really feel sad today even though I know that I'm still gonna see them on March 27. Well, that's what graduates are supposed to feel, right?

Anyway, today is a day full of surprises. When I got home after the graduation, some of my relatives are there and there's a cake and flowers and balloons. And then, after some of them had left, I fell asleep. My mom woke me up at five and told me I have visitors waiting outside. I was surprised when I saw Migs, Deka, Kam and Tetang. I didn't invite them because I know they have family affairs since it's graduation. Kat also arrived after. They were complete!
It's so nice.
I love my family and friends.
Thank God for them.

So, it's a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for me.
Thank you to the people who made it...that way.

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 10:20 PM

On my way to school this morning, it occured to me that it is my last tric ride to school. It made me sad. This is also the last day that I wore my school shoes.
Graduation is tomorrow naaaaaaaaa..........
I already feel sad even though I know that there's gonna be a farewell party on the 27th.
Oh well. Good luck to me and advance happy birthday to me.

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 10:00 PM

Why do all good things come to an end?
Time flies.
Seems just like yesterday. You were a part of me... Joke. CORNY. HAHA.
Well, it seemed like they all happened just yesterday. The first day of my senior year, the Tuesday mornings spent in San Isidro teaching Religion to the kids there, the field trip that sucked because of our adviser, the memorable Baguio retreat, those university-hopping we made, the movie marathons, the mallings, the practices, the gabfests (which were usually done while a teacher is busy blabbering things that are too boring and uninteresting to pay attention to ), the laughtrips, the foodtrips, Miguel impersonating teachers, the swimming/birthday parties, the shootings, cutting classes, the misunderstandings that led to petty fights, the kopyahans, the I-feel-like-i'm-gonna-throw-up feelig we get every time Sir Toby asks someone to get the index crds because we're gonna have a recitation, the "Bible Studies" (wink wink, NOT what you think) and countless other events which may seem like nothing to other people but memorable to us.
For me, this year was the most memorable of all the 11 years I spent in that school. Sure, I may have hated some teachers and our our Principal (which is, the female counterpart of Emperor Nero, I may go on but it gets meaner), but what made it memorable was the experiences, the fun we had in each other's company and knowing that we have each other's backs no matter what.
I can't imagine what would happen if I was put in another class.
Well, I'm pretty sure that in college, I'll always find myself reminiscing and looking at the pictures and videos on my cellphone.
On Tuesday, I'll be graduating.
I feel sad.
When there were still classes, I remember thinking that I can't wait to graduate because I want to leave that school forever, etc etc. But now that day is nearing, I now find myself wishing that there ARE still classes.
I think...maybe I'm just scared of college and everything or, maybe I really would miss high school life. Or maybe both. But whatever. I'm gonna say goodbye nonetheless.
We always have to say good-bye in this life. It's a part of this world, of how we live. No matter how sad it may be.
Next week, after I graduate, I'm gonna have to worry about my future. You see, my path's not yet clear. I envy Tetang and Miguel, they've both got supportive parents that are willing to send them to a "GOOD" school. As in, good. Whereas mine, well let's just put it this way, my mind's all set to the school that I want to go to and to what I wanna do with my life. But my parents messed it all up.
I wish I have my own money.
Well back to the graduation thing. Honestly, I didn't feel bad at all while rushing to do all those requirements and last-minute tasks (they were the reason why I haven't updated in a while, plus the finals) for the teachers. Sure, I felt so effin' exhausted but I thought what the hell?! I'm also gonna miss it all! So, good luck to me, good luck to all of us.
Sana walang mapariwara sa atin.
God bless us all!
I love you, El Pauli!

Making the most out of the remaining days before graduation.

(I will post the other pics on my Multiply after graduation)

Shet, birthday ko na rin pala sa Tuesday, 17 na ko, tanda ko naaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 6:46 PM