LSS:"Could you show
me dear something I've not seen?/Something infinitely interesting..."
(ewa ko ba, ka-luma na eh...)Gagong gupit ako! Hehe. Look:

with my nephew Arie, he had his hair highlighted
Anyway, I'm done reading
The Dream Merchantlast Wednesday. After
that, I immediately started reading
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
. I finished it that night before I went to my habit of playing Brick in my
ipod until I fall asleep.
The Five You Meet in Heaven is so good I wanted to underline all the
good parts. But that would mean underlining the
whole book. I cried
on the part when he saw his father in heaven and he forgave him and he said
"It is fixed". Basta you should read it although I'm pretty sure everyone(those
who care about books, that is) must've already read it. I especially liked the
lesson the Blue Man taught him, that "death doesn't just take someone, it
misses someone else, and in the small distance between being taken and being
missed, lives are changed." And also the one that Ruby taught, that "no one is
born with anger. And when we die the soul is freed of it. But here(in heaven),
in order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did, and why
you no longer need to feel it."
I also encountered some interesting quotes in
The Dream Merchant:
"...snakes protect people, and they know the secrets of life. You need
never be afraid of snakes..."-Max Herbert, Talent Scout, Dispatch Board of Gippart
"This lesson: stare whatever makes you afraid straight in the eye. Do you
understand me? Stare the nightmare straight in the eye..."-Master in warrior-
umayaChapter 15:The day looked quite different when you were alone. Alone except for your
dead sister and her silent guardian. The day seemed more impersonal,
somewhat malignant, acrimonious and threatening. But then again, it was
your alone. Your enemy, your friend. Yours to tame."It doesn't matter where we've been. What matters is where we're going."So, next in line, no I won't continue with the
Dark Tower yet 'cause I
want to read
Birth of Venus and
American Gods first and
The Virgin Suicides,too. many books, so little time.
Anyway, books aside, I'd like to share with you guys a pic of this undeniably
HOT guy called Wentworth Miller.

I think it was Maundy Thursday then or Good Friday when I was channel
surfing 'cause there wasn't anything good to watch. So I came across this show
in Crime Suspense called
Prison Break and I saw this guy and my
initial reaction was
"Uy, kamukha ni Elijah Wood". He's so cute. And
then, the week after that, I had almost forgotten about that cute guy(for I
still doesn't know his name that time). I went to Ala Paredes' blog and then
clicked one of her links called Lucy. I was reading her posts when I saw the
guy's pic there. That's how I learned the hottie's name. Then the other, other
day, I Googled him, I learned that he's multiracial(cool!) and that he's the guy
from the Mariah Carey video(s)
It's Like That and
We Belong
Together, the guy she dumped her supposed-to-be groom for. Well, good
choice since her groom-to-be is no doubt an old-timer. HAHA.
Guess I have a new husband-again. Seems like eveyday there's a new husband.
Oh well. The world is full of hotties.
I mean, the TV is.
they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 2:50 PM
~"Life is but a dream for the dead and well I, I won't go down by myself but I'll go down with my friends..."Dammet I'm sick! My throat feels like it's bleeding, I can't breathe and my right ear feels like someone's pricking it with a toothpick. To top it all off, I got my period today. I'm
VERY uncomfortable. And it's so hot. And our aircon's broken. Fuck it.
My life is like Hell. Oh no, sorry. My life
is hell.
I need some kind of a remedy. "HIM" maybe? But it seems like I've forgotten all about him already. Sigh.
Last Monday I went swimming with Kris and her sisters and Pao, Jam, Cha, Jen, Kim and Carlos. Had fun. Naturally, we took pictures which I posted in my plain
Multiply site. I still don't know how to change the layout...someone help...pretty please? I went to McDonald's after Kris' uncle dropped us off at the church parking lot. Kuya Alex picked me up there and we went to Robinson's Homes. Then I went swimming again. I wasn't going to but I can't help it. It's so hot and besides, it's already nighttime so I won't have to worry about my skin. hehe. That's probably the reason why I'm now sick.
Di sanay katawan ko sa swimming. hehe.
Anyway, I've got a new husband. Si Matt Hardy. Heehee...actually, I've been crushing on him dati pa, but this
pic made me say "yes" to his proposal.
Peeling na naman oh! Pagbigyan! hehe. cute-ness niya kasi eh...
Changed my layout.
Di halatang excited ako sa X3 noh? It's been ten years since the movie was followed kasi.
Gosh...I hate this. I hate being sick...
they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 2:10 PM
To someone I wish I have:
"I am falling, say my name/And I'll lie in the SOUND/What is love, but whatever/My heart needs around/And it needs you too much now"It
is sooooooooooooo
HOT! It's during times like this when I wish I'm a guy instead. I could walk around the house shirtless. Haha.
I was really in "Crush Heaven" the day after
that night. I even made a playlist in my ipod with songs
for him. But aside from that, nothing happened last Friday in my life. I woke up late and stayed in bed until lunch time. Slacker mode took over that day. Saturday we went to Subic. Stephen went with us. We had to leave Antipolo very, very early so we picked them up at about past five and Stephen was already talking about cars and Spongebob Squarepants. He didn't even sleep on the way there. I didn't, either. I'm too busy thinking of him. Heehee. We reached Subic at a surprisingly early time. We went to Zoobic first where we were introduced to different kinds of animals, many of which came from other countries. I learned a very cute fact: male porcupines impregnate the female ones by spraying their urine on the female since they can't mount them or something because it'll be too dangerous for them. Haha, interesting. Then we had an "encounter with the tigers" wherein we were made to ride a vehicle and we drove around an area where tigers roamed around freely. A chicken was used to entice the tigers so that they will come near your vehicle. One of the tigers even jumped on the roof of our vehicle when the man holding the chicken threw the chicken on the roof. Stephen was so cute. He didn't even scream while the tiger was near our vehicle. He even tried to get near the window. After the "encounter", we were led to the reptile house. I couldn't look at the lizard/iguana-like creatures there. I only looked at snakes. I don't know why but I'm fascinated by them. I think their skins are so cute. I especially like the Albino snake, the one whose skin is yellow. There was also a snake there which is called the blood snake I think. Its skin is of a really pretty red color. After that, we were taken to the tigers' cages where the tigers sit there prettily and spray their urine on people whenever they want to. The guide said they do that to mark their territory.
After that, we drove back to the hotel to check in. Stephen kept on talking to our tour guide about tigers. I just can't stop talking about Stephen, right? He's my first godson, after all, and I really love him though he's verrry bratty. Anyway, we ate lunch at Gerry's Grill and we went to J.E.S.T Camp where we saw the different kinds of spiders and entered a place filled with butterflies. I had my picture taken with a white, parrot-like bird which is soooo beautiful. The man perched it on my shoulder. After leaving the camp, we drove to Jollibee(haha) and bought dinner. We ate dinner aback at the hotel and me, together with my cousin Nicole, L.A., Stephen's mommy and Stephen, went night swimming at the hotel's swimming pool. We were forced to stop because someone puked on the water (gross ang wala!)
The next morning we went to Ocean Adventure and watched the shows starring the sea lions, the false killer whales and the dolphins. I bought a blue miniskirt from the souvenir shop although I dunno when I can use it 'cause it's
very short. But it was so cute and I
had to have it! After that, we had lunch at Dencio's naman. After lunch, we decided that it's too early to head back home (it was only 3:30) so after dropping our tour guide off at the Subic Airport, we headed for the All Hands beach and decided to kill time there. We rented a water bike thingy with big wheels. Me and Ate Badet (Stephen's mommy) had Stephen sit between us during one of my turns on the bike. Stephen kept on saying that he wanted to go back to L.A. as we pedalled around. I kept on telling him not to move.
Me: Stephen, don't move or I'll throw you into the water.
Stephen: No, it's too deep. I might cry.
Me: Then don't move.
Stephen: You're bad, Ate Lea. I will throw you there.
Me: I will drown.
Stephen: I want you to drown. Momore(no more) Ate Lea.
Me: Ngek.
La lang.
Last Monday, I'm back to Slacker Mode again. I watched wrestling in bed and after lunch, I decided to watch
Stay, which I spent pondering on while taking a bath later on. The movie was so freaking complicated. I didn't get what happened at the end. I still don't get it now. But one thing's for sure, Ryan Gosling is sooooo cute. After that, I watched
Little Manhattan then started reading
The Dream Merchant. Then last Tuesday, I went to Galle with Jam and Kat. We arrived there at lunch time and we spent about thirty minutes deciding on where to eat. So we finally decided on Shakey's and ordered the cheapest meal (hey, our parents aren't with us). Me and Kat laughed at the waiter. No, actually, we laughed in front of him. It was like this. Kat asked me to ask the waiter for a hot sauce since she couldn't eat her pizza without it. Eh, I was kinda shy though the waiter isn't cute at all. So I just decided on catching his attention by following the waiter with my look. When he finally came over to our table, I already shoved garlic bread in my mouth and I couldn't speak when he asked me if there was anything I wanted. I looked at Kat and she was looking at me and I motioned for her to tell the waiter and she kind of stammered and I was already laughing so she laughed too and the waiter was smiling, probably thinking of calling the mental. Then later on, when we were given that paper in which we were to put our comments on, Kat wrote
The waiter is friendly. I told her she should've wrote
funny instead.
After that, we watched
Eight Below. I observed that the number of people watching inside was also eight below. hehe. We all bought Tumbler-sized popcorns. While watching, we all observed that the popcorn is still full even though we've been munching on it since we entered the cinema and our jaws were already aching. So Kat and Jam threw them at each other eh I can't throw mine because it's cheese-flavored so I just took it home. On the Fx on our way home, me and Kat put gummy worms in our mouth and both did Boogeyman impersonations. We kept on saying, "I'm the Boogeyman, coming to get you" over and over again, parang na-LSS? We hung out at McDo for a whule and went home na.
Yesterday, I was on Galle again. I went searching for a new swim suit with Ate Badet, Kuya Alex and L.A.. Mom got furious with me while we were dining at Shakey's(nakita ko ulet yung waiter haha) because I erased the pictures on her old cellphone(she already gave it to me) She said that she's still going to Bluetooth it on her new cell. Gosh.......I didn't know........
But we're OK now. I think.
I'm outta here now. I'm itchy.......
they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 10:20 AM
School's Over...finally
To someone I never had:And I knew your heart I couldn't win/Because the season's change was a conduit/And we'd left our love in our summer skin...Finally, after, what, 200+ of totally uneventful and stressful school days, we are finally allowed to run free and...wild. Sigh...thank you, Baby Jesus. There's just so many things I'm planning to do this summer since I'll be making the most out of everything 'cause I know that I'm in for a
verrrrrry BUSY school year. I'll be in my last and final year in high school. Shucks. Just thinking about it makes me nervous
but excited. Mixed. But anyway, I'm not gonna think about
that for now. It's still the second day of vacation. Hmmm...I wonder how busy I'm going to be this year. Probably sooooo busy that I may even think of killing myself. Like those suicidal kids who now haunt the corridors of various universities because "they just can't take the pressure" blah blah blah. But anyway, ghosts aside (they might decide to visit me if I don't stop soon, they might read this...ghosts are very hi-tech these days, hm?), my summer to-do list:
-Gain weight
-Gain weight
-Gain weight
-Get a new hairstyle
-Try to make my own blog skin
-Read the rest of the
Dark Tower series...although I took a break and had been reading
Shopaholic and Sister all day
-Watch the complete first season of
One Tree Hill on DVD
-Continue with voice lessons(???)
-Gain weight
Wait I just remembered. Last night, I had a major
"silay" fest. But I still wonder what made me like him. I mean, he's not at all like the other guys I had a crush on. He's not
I just can't believe I'm so into him that I'm even feeling so
kilig all over right now while I'm writing this.I mean, it's been
ages ago since I last saw him and I was expecting that I wouldn't feel anything anymore but last night...
And actually, the only reason I went was really just because of him. Anika's right.
How can you make yourself not like someone?
And why am I stopping myself from liking him?
God, I'm going crazy...but this is a demented world.
You know, I don't even want to put his name here 'for fear that he might accidentally (miraculously)stumble upon this little blog of mine. Although I don't think that's gonna happen since he's not into blogs or blog-hopping, as far as I know.
But whatever.
I'm outta here.
>>>Damn this internet connection!
they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 1:10 PM