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about a girl

Lea Licerio. 15. 16. 17. Piscean.couch potato. drama queen. has a tendency to be OC. bookworm. weird. your average everyday sane psycho. dreamer. petite. Is never too old for dolls. tends to get woeful...like Wednesday Addams. perpetually miserable. Neil Gaiman/Jessica Zafra wannabe.


"Perhaps if we saw what was ahead of us, and glimpsed the crimes, follies, and misfortunes that would befall us later on, we would all stay in our mother's wombs, and there would be nobody in the world but a great number of very fat, very irritated women."

-A Series of Unfortunate Events Book the Thirteenth: The End by Lemony Snicket

wake me when the hour arrives...

best friends, ex-friends 'til the end...
sam a.k.a. poca


my multiply

...and then there's friendster(add me if you want)

Jessica Zafra
Neil Gaiman
Lemony Snicket

Layout: paperlove
Brushes: x x
Font: x
Images: Self-drawn by paperlove
Pattern: illusorynotstars

i feel stupid and contagious

Get busy living, or get busy dying...

A bit boyish?? Yeah right, you pompous wannabe..
She is so stupid it's unbelievable...and laughable. How can she describe herself as "boyish" when she's more vain than the evil queen in Snow White? Uh, for your info, when you like the color pink and when you refer to yourself as a "princess"(oh, I swear I'm gonna puke), that's not boyish, that's girlier than the girliest whatsit in the face of the earth.
God, how I wish that prig would do herself a favor and just shut that stupid pie-hole of hers.

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 11:00 AM

Randy, I Swear I'm Gonna Kill You! You're So Hot....

You want to know something? Okay. I think Randy Orton is hot. I don't know why I suddenly found him cute just now when he's already around when I started watching wrestling. I don't know. I suddenly found him adorable, that's all. I just watched his match with Chris Benoit and I saw that he still looks adorable even when he is wincing in pain. And his body is just right. It's not exaggeratedly muscular unlike Bobby Lashley's and certainly not seriously obese like Mark Henry's.
Anyway, I'm gonna cut this gushing short 'cause...I've got nothing more to say! :)) Besides, if I write some more, I'm gonna say the same things over and over again. So, that's it for now.
The Legend Killer is the ultimate! Hell yeah!

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 11:50 AM

"The Nurse"
-The White Stripes-

The nurse should not be the one who puts salt in your wounds
But it's always with trust that the poison is fed with a spoon
When you're helpless with no one to turn to alone in your room
You would swear that the one who would care for you never would leave
She promised and said "You will always be safe here with me"
But promises open the door to be broken to me

No I'm never, no I'm never, no I'm never gonna let you down now
No I'm never, no I'm never, no I'm never gonna let you down
No I'm never, no I'm never, no I'm never gonna let you down now
No I'm never, no I'm never, no I'm never gonna let you down

The maid that you've hired could never conspire to kill
She's to mother, not quietly smother you when you're most ill
The one that you're trusting suspiciously dusting the sill

No I'm never, no I'm never, no I'm never gonna let you down now
No I'm never, no I'm never, no I'm never gonna let you down
No I'm never, no I'm never, no I'm never gonna let you down now
No I'm never, no I'm never, no I'm never gonna let you down

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 10:55 AM

Time goes by so slowly(not!)
I'd have to disagree with that Madonna song.
Haven't anyone noticed that something utterly phenomenal but definitely weird is happening? Time. It's the time. It's like someone has pushed a fast forward button and the hours and the minutes and the seconds just went ZOOM! faster than Blaine the Mono. It seems like it was only yesterday when it was still 2005, now it's already the 23rd of January 2006! What is happening to the world?? Now, one hour doesn't seem so long anymore. Like one time when I looked at the clock and then I saw that it was 2 P.M., so I went upstairs and just sat on the bed and imagine my shock when I looked at the clock again and saw it was already 2:20! But it seems like I only sat there for about five minutes! Unbelievable. Impossible(with a Brit accent like Susan's and the White Witch's in Narnia).
Time is a gypsy man 'cause it never stays in place.
Hmm...where have I heard that before?
But it's undeniably, unregrettably correct. Hell yeah.

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 10:00 AM

Resolutions, Resolutions It's Back To Stalag 14 Tomorrow and I Still Need "One Fucking Long Vacation"
I've said bye-bye to 2005 and the bad moments it gave me with it. Well, 2005 was not a good year for me at all. Well, it was good until school started and bad luck started to rear its ugly head. Misery and frustration pursued me and embraced me and completely loved me although I showed no sign of loving them back. Grr...my life is so pathetic. I am so pathetic. What did I do te deserve all these? Or, do I really deserve it? Anyway, I think I'm gonna stop with this self-pity drama for a while.
Here, I've made a list of resolutions for 2006. Hmm...seems just like yesterday when Miss Jen made us write our New Year's Resolutions for 2005 in the back of our English test paper. Oh well, time flies...even when you're not having fun at all. Anyway, the list:

1. Banish all the laziness within my body.
-This has always been the first in my New Year's Resolutions for like, every year. Actually, until last year, this has only been my New Year's Resolution. Oh well...
2. Try to understand Geometry.
-It's good that my grade is a line of eight here(although it's still my lowest). But I want to really understand it with great profundity. Good luck to me, then. I've always hated Math. What's the point of it? Why can't we all just study English and books?
3. Finish the Dark Tower series.
-This needn't be a resolution. I will most definitley finish all seven of the Dark Tower books. I am currently on the third book now, The Waste Lands and I still lack the sixth and the seventh books. I guess I could say that I'm really hooked on it right now. In fact, I dreamed that I was a gunslinger one night last week. Like all the other dreams that I had, it's complicated and weird but I was still a gunslinger in the dream. Pretty cool, although I can't imagine myself firing a gun...
4. Try to make the most of my time.
5. Pray really hard so that I can 'breakaway' and leave for Australia with my family.
-I envy the people I know who have managed to 'breakaway' out of this...this place and had left for other, progressive countries. Like Andy, for example, and two of my schoolmates who left for England. Oh, how lucky are they? Very, very lucky indeed.
6. Learn to play a musical instrument.
-I'm going to learn how to play the guitar on summer.
7. Learn more English terms.
-Georgia Nicolson had really been a great help. Hmm...it's been quite a while since I've read a book in a British accent. I used to do that. I used to read Hitty: Her First Hundred Years aloud with a Brit accent.
8. Sleep early.
-Oh, holy crap! It's almost 1:30 in the morning now. I might as well turn in now.

they gave us two shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now @ : 5:28 PM